Haiku Friday: Hipster Dads

Now here is a topic we haven't handled before! We have a lot of hipsters here in Minneapolis; the entire coffee and beer economies rely on them.

If you are wondering, here are some of the core traits of hipsters:

-- enjoy very cheap OR very expensive beer
-- work in the gig economy
-- unusual or unkempt haircut and/or facial hair
-- enjoys music that is outside of the mainstream
-- usually smart and witty

Of course, dads are the original hipsters.

Here are a few hipster dads I know:

1) IPLawGuy

IPLawGuy hits almost all of the hipster qualities (his preferred music, for example, is a cross between hillbilly yodeling, Led Zeppelin, and novelty songs from Dr. Demento). The one exception is that he does not work in the gig economy.

And if you are wondering, he is not covered in powder cocaine in this photo. It's uh, something else. I'm not sure what. Maybe something from the 1977 Dodge Dart he is restoring in his driveway? Or drywall powder from redoing his home office with stuff he found behind an abandoned Food Lion? Hard to say.

2)  My Dad

He is depicted here hanging out in his studio with a few of his hipster buddies. He actually meets ALL of the hipster criteria listed above, and does it all with style. He has his own blog about jazz.  His favorite beer is the hard-to-obtain, very cheap, and relatively inoffensive Boxer Beer from Monroe, Wisconsin. The Beer Advocate gives it a 2.2 (out of 5) rating, making it the 47,467th best beer in America.  Really. But you can get 35 cans of it for $10 if you go to this one gas station in Superior, Wisconsin (again, really). Which is the most hipster thing you can do, probably.

Anyways, let's haiku about hipster dads this week. Even if your dad was not a hipster, haiku away about him anyways! Here, I will go first:

Digging through old stuff
A photo: Dad at dinner
with Shaft. John Shaft. Sing!

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable formula, and have some fun!


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